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Q: What is the significance to Judaism of the Western Wall?
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The Western Wall is a particularly sacred site to what religion?

The Western Wall is particularly sacred to the JUDAISM, the religion of the Jews.However, the general Temple Mount site, of which the Western Wall is just a part, is holy to Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

Which religion uses the western wall?

Judaism. The Western Wall is a Jewish Holy Site.

Where or what is judaism's sacred site?

the Western Wall in Jerusalem.

What are any deities or representations at the western wall?

The western wall has no visible deities or representations of deities; it just looks like a wall, built out of rather large blocks. The significance of the western wall is purely symbolic.

What monument is famous in judaism?

Judaism has historical monuments. Some are the Dome of the Rock, Church of the Sepulcher, the Burnt House, and the Western Wall.

Where do judaism religion pray?

A Jewish house of worship is called a synagogue, but Jews can pray anywhere.

Why is the Western Wall important to Christians?

The Western Wall is only important to Christians because it is part of the old Jewish Temple. It has little importance to Christians. Of far greater importance are the Church of the Holy Sepulchre and the Via Dolorosa.

Why do you think Jews come to the western wall even though it is a ruin?

It is a remnant of the holy temple. It is a holy site and Jews go there to pray. Often, people celebrate bar mitzvah's at the Western Wall.

What is the significance of the Jewish religion?

Judaism was the first religion to be monotheistic (believe in one god). Jesus and all the prophets of the first testament of the Bible were Jewish. Essentially, Judaism was the foundation of all the modern, western religions.

Sentences using the word western wall?

She is over by the western wall. Position yourself by the western wall. The tree by the western wall has fallen. He was found by the western wall. The western wall has caved in. We are going to meet by the western wall. Why weren't you by the western wall? We decided to paint the western wall green. The western wall is completely destroyed! He is by the western wall, that's where his sister was hiding. Pick the box by the western wall up. The western wall, the one with the tree that splits in two near it, has fallen. Why do you need sentences including the words "western wall"?

What are the main pilgrimage sites for Judaism?

While Judaism does not mandate pilgrimage to any site, many Jews willingly make the pilgrimage to the Western Wall because of the holiness with which Jews see the site.

Why do people go to see the western wall?

Because it is the only intact portion of the wall which once surround the Beis Hamikdash (Holy Temple) and the Temple Mount, which is the holiest pace in Judaism.