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Q: What is the similarities of modern and olden day hot air balloons?
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What are hot air balloons made out of?

Modern Hot Air Balloons are made of heat resistent Nylon. The olden day ones were made of heavy cotton or linen fabric. Hope that helps ♥ :)

What is the difference between olden day hot air balloons and new hot air balloons?

olden day hot air balloons were made of heavy cotton or linen fabric and carried animals, while modern hot air balloons are made out of heat resistant nylon and carried people hope this helps if this isn't what you're looking for here are some other websites to try or these websites are really useful for projects :D

What are the similarities between a hot air balloon and a airship?

The similarities are that they both need air to fly. Bernoulis principal of flight occurs with both.

With what material are most modern hot air balloons constructed from?


Why do hot air balloons have sand bags?

Modern hot air balloons do not have sand bags because the air input is easily controlled for lift. Hot air balloons used to have sandbags to weigh them down until lift off and sand was gradually dumped to gain height in the air.

Why lighter than air balloons fly?

air balloons or hot air balloons fly because they fill with a very light type of air. The air is hot air.

Which gas do you use for hot air balloons?

Hot air is used for hot air balloons.

What form is helium?

hot air balloons and balloons

Why do balloons come closer when air is blown between them?

The wind between the balloons creates a lower pressure in the air, so the air around it pushes the balloons together.

What last longer helium fill balloon or hot air balloons?

hot air balloons

Where in the atmosphere do hot air balloons float?

Hot air balloons float because hot air displaces cool air in the atmosphere

Why do rubber balloons lose air faster than plastic balloons?

plastic balloons lose air because particles are moving in the balloon and leave it