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Q: What is the simple predicate for the sentence it's legs make it one of the worlds fastest insects?
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The simple predicate is "are".

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Simple predicate examples?

A simple predicate is the main very that is in the predicate of a sentence. The simple predicate tells you what the subject is doing. An example is in the sentence My mom started the dryer, the word started is the simple predicate.

What is the simple predicate of this sentence The men finished the game in a short time?

finished is the answer its a simple predicate.

What is the simple predicate verb of this sentence Where did you hide all of your money?

The Simple Predicate of that sentence is hide. the verb of the sentence is always the simple predicate

What is the simple predicate of the mounds contain homes for the insects?

Contain homes? Is a simple predicate

What is the simple predicate in the sentence - A roaring fire will keep them warm?

The simple predicate in the sentence is "will keep" because it expresses the action being taken by the subject "fire."

What is simple predicate?

The KEY word in the predicate part of the sentence. It is not the WHOLE predicate. The simple predicate in a sentence is also known as the verb or verbs. The SIMPLE Predicate is not all the other words that are found in the predicate

What is the simple predicate of this sentence'' Give your reports on Friday''?

The simple predicate is "Give", as it is the main verb that indicates the action being performed in the sentence.

What is the simple subject and the simple predicate in the sentence You waited for me?

The simple subject is "You" and the simple predicate is "waited."

Sometimes called a simple perdicate?

The simple predicate is the key word in the predicate or verb part of the sentence. It is not the entire predicate because then it wouldn't be simple. The simple predicate in a sentence is also known as the verb or verbs. The simple predicate is only the main verb.