

What is the single leading causes of death in the us?

Updated: 4/23/2022
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8y ago

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Tobacco use is the single leading preventable cause of death in the US.

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Harvey Schowalter

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2y ago
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Q: What is the single leading causes of death in the us?
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What is single leading preventable cause of death in the US?

Tobacco use is the single leading preventable cause of death in the US.

What are some leading health causes of death in the us?

Some of the leading causes of death are:diabetescancercar crashes

Top 3 leading causes of death in the US?

eating, sleeping, and breathing

Is aids a leading cause of death in teens and young adults in the us?

AIDS is not a leading cause of death in teens in the US, but it is one of the top causes of death in young adults. Accidents and homicides are top causes.

What is the leading cause of preventable death in the us?

Cigarette smoking is the single most preventable cause of death in the United States.

What is the second leading cause for deaths among adults in the US?

Cancer. Click on "Leading causes of death in America" under Related links below.

Are crashes one of the leading causes of death in the US?

Yes along with heart disease, cancer, smoking, and AIDS.

What is the largest single preventable cause of premature death in the US?

Cigarrete smoking, cocaine abuse is the second leading.

What is the second leading cause of death in the US?

the second leading cause of death in the US is cancer.

What are the major causes of death for people of all ages?

The top four major causes of death for people of all ages worldwide are cardiovascular disease, infectious and parasitic diseases, Heart disease, and cancer. i the US, the leading cause of death is heart disease.

Where is cancer leading us?

to death

What are four major causes of death for people of all ages?

The top four major causes of death for people of all ages worldwide are cardiovascular disease, infectious and parasitic diseases, Heart disease, and cancer. i the US, the leading cause of death is heart disease.