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A:An Egyptian Muslim would have very little chance of being granted residence in Israel.
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Q: What is the situation for an Egyptian Muslim guy to move out to live in Israel?
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Israel is unacceptable for its neighbour because it is a Jewish state, and has resisted the Islamic desire to make the world Muslim. Similarly, there are conflicts all over the world where Muslims live; such as Thailand, the Philippines, Nigeria, Sudan etc. And in places that do not neighbour Islamic states (such as Europe) they have problems with Muslim immigrants (Sweden, UK, Germany etc) with rape and violent crime (gangs of Muslim youth).

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Does Israel exist?

Yes, I live in Israel.

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41% of all Jews live in israel

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No, elephants are not indigenous to Israel.

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No. Israel and Shiites have opposition.

Does israel still exist?

Yes, I live in Israel.

Do iranians live in israel?

There are 300,00 Persian Jews who are Israeli citizens and live in Israel, but there are no Iranian citizens who currently live in Israel. It is illegal (according to Iranian government laws) for an Iranian citizen to visit or live in Israel without specific government approval.

Where are most Muslim people situated in Israel?

It depends on how you are defining Israel. If you are defining Israel as all places under Israeli control, including the Palestinian Territories and the Golan Heights, then most Muslims are in the West Bank (about 2.4 million Muslims). If you referring to Israel as exclusively within the 1949 ceasefire-lines (also called the 1967 borders), the majority of Muslims live in northern Israel, in the cities of Umm al-Fahm and Afula. Additionally, large numbers of Muslims are in the mixed cities of Haifa and Acre (also in the north). In fact, some parts of the Jezreel Valley (part of Northern Israel) are over 70% Muslim.

Is 80 percent of Israel's population Muslim?

The percentage of Muslims in Israel is roughly 20%. The vast majority of Muslims live in the Galilee and Golan Region (North Israel) where in some areas they constitute upwards of 70% of the population. See the related link for further information on Arab Israelis.