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Walter Cunningham is a poor boy in Scout's class who cannot afford lunch at school. Scout tries to help him by offering him a quarter to buy food, but Walter refuses at first because he cannot repay the debt. Scout eventually convinces him to take the money without expecting anything in return.

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Q: What is the situation with Walter Cunningham How does scout try to help him?
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How does scout diffuse situation in front of the courthouse?

Scout diffuses the situation by recognizing Mr. Cunningham in the mob and engaging him in conversation about his son, Walter. This personal connection reminds Mr. Cunningham of his humanity and moral values, causing him to lead the others away from the courthouse. Scout's innocence and sincerity help to humanize the situation and bring a sense of empathy to the mob.

What does scout say to Walter Cunningham that gets her into trouble?

Scout tries to explain to Walter Cunningham that Atticus is a good person and meant no harm when trying to help him. She ends up offending Walter by calling him "trash" without realizing how insensitive it was.

How does Scout help her father save Tom form Mr Cunningham and others who might have killed him?

Scout diffuses the situation by recognizing Mr. Cunningham and engaging him in conversation, which reminds him of his humanity. By talking to him as an individual and acknowledging their shared humanity, Scout helps Mr. Cunningham see past his prejudice and reconsider his actions, ultimately preventing harm to Tom.

How did Scout help disperse the crowd?

Scout diffused the tense situation by engaging in conversation with Mr. Cunningham and reminding him of their personal connection and shared humanity, which helped the crowd see reason and disperse peacefully.

Can you describe Walter Cunningham in To Kill a Mockingbird?

There are two Walter Cunninghams in 'To Kill a Mockingbird'. The first, Walter Cunningham, Sr., is one of the men in the mob who tries to kill Tom Robinson and hurt Atticus Finch. The second, Walter Cunningham, Jr., is the son of Walter Cunningham, Sr. who gets Scout in trouble on the first day of school.Walter Cunningham Sr. A client of Atticus Finch, a farmer, and part of the mob that threatened to hang Tom Robinson. Walter Cunningham Jr. Son of Walter Sr and a classmate of Scout's.

What is Walter cunninghams education level?

In "To Kill a Mockingbird," Walter Cunningham Sr. is portrayed as illiterate, having limited formal education. In the book, Scout mentions that Walter Sr. never went to school, or else he would have been able to understand Atticus's attempts to help him with his finances.

What does miss Caroline do to scout when she tries to help Walter Cunningham?

Miss Caroline offers Walter Cunningham a quarter for lunch when she tries to help him, not knowing that the Cunninghams do not accept charity. Scout tries to explain this to her, but Miss Caroline does not understand the social dynamics of Maycomb yet.

Who is Mr Cunningham in To Kill a Mockingbird?

In "To Kill a Mockingbird," Mr. Cunningham is a poor farmer who is part of the group that comes to lynch Tom Robinson. However, Scout's innocence and bravery help him see reason and he ultimately disperses the mob. Mr. Cunningham is portrayed as a conflicted character who ultimately chooses to do what is right.

Whose education did Atticus help finance in To Kill A Mockingbird?

Atticus helped finance the education of Walter Cunningham Jr., a classmate of his daughter Scout.

Why didnt Walter Cunningham pass the first grade?

Walter Cunningham didn't pass the first grade because his family's situation didn't allow him to attend school regularly. He was needed at home to help with farming and household chores, which affected his attendance and ability to keep up with his studies.

What does scout finch think about the cunninghams?

Scout Finch views the Cunninghams as honest and hardworking people despite their financial struggles. She learns about empathy and the importance of seeing things from others' perspectives through her interactions with the Cunninghams.

Who was Walter Cunningham in To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee?

poor dude who doesnt finish school to help his father on the farm