

What is the six sources of the heat?

Updated: 9/20/2023
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Q: What is the six sources of the heat?
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What are the sources of internal heat?

Main sources of internal heat are Magmatism and Radioactivity.

What heat sources causes burns?

All heat sources. Plus extreme cold sources cause burns.

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What can serve as modes of both heat gain and heat loss from the body?

There are two sources by which heat is produced in our body.Endogenous sources and Exogenous sources.Endogenous sources heat by our metabolic and muscle activity. Exogenous sources heat when the environmental temperature exceeds our body temperature and that is transferred to our body.

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What is a heat source in a system?

There are heat sources in a lot of different things. A heat source is something that can heat something else up. There are heat sources in microwaves, ovens, and cars.

What were the sources of heat for the protoplanet?

the sources of heat is the sun and the solar system this makes the earth have heat and energy. The sun is the earth main source of heat and energy

Does two heat sources heat a room more than 1 strong one?

That depends how much power each of the heat sources have. Add the power of the two heat sources, and compare with the power of the strong one.

What type of sources can reslt in burns?

Heat and cold sources.

How did the three sources of heat prevent life from existing when the earth was formed?

the first sources of heat was asteroids and meteorites. another sources of heat for the early earth was the contraction of gravity. the third sources of energy for the early earth was radioactivity. hope this helped :)