

What is the size of alcor star?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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Q: What is the size of alcor star?
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How far is alcor from the earth?

The Alcor star which resides in URSA MAJOR, part of the star that makes up the big Dipper, is 81 light years from earth. FYI: Alcor and Mizar are twin stars or double stars which almost line up directly behind each other. However, Alcor is behind Mizar but resides slightly above and to the left of Mizar.

What is the name of the star on the big dippers handle?

There is more than one star in the handle of the Big Dipper: Alkaid, Alcor, Mizar, and Alioth. See Related Links.

It contains the binary stars Mizar and Alcor.?

Ursa major

What are the faintest stars visible to the naked eye?

Depending on your eyesight (everyones' is different) and the amount of air pollution and light pollution, people with "good" eyesight and in a clear, DARK area can generally just barely see a seventh-magnitude star. Look at the Big Dipper, if you live in the northern hemisphere. People usually look at the Big Dipper and follow the "pointer" stars Merak and Dubhe straight out to the north star, Polaris. But I want you to look at the handle of the dipper, the middle star in the handle. The middle star is Mizar, and it is magnitude 2.2; not especially bright, but most everybody can see it. But look closely; is that ONE star, or are there two? There are two; the dimmer star is Alcor, and it is just above 4th magnitude. Julius Caesar's Legions used that star as an eye test; if you could see Alcor, then your vision was good enough to be an archer; otherwise, you were a swordsman.

How does brigthness vary from the size of the star?

this depends of the distance away from us and the size of the star

Related questions

What type of star is Alcor?

Alcor is a faint, main-sequence star located in the constellation Ursa Major. It is classified as an A-type star, which means it is relatively hot and blue in color. Alcor is also part of a binary star system, often paired with the nearby star Mizar.

What is the apparent brightness of the star alcor?

The apparent visual magnitude of the star Alcor is about 4.01, making it faintly visible to the naked eye under good viewing conditions. Its apparent brightness may vary slightly depending on atmospheric conditions and light pollution in the observer's location.

How far is alcor from the earth?

The Alcor star which resides in URSA MAJOR, part of the star that makes up the big Dipper, is 81 light years from earth. FYI: Alcor and Mizar are twin stars or double stars which almost line up directly behind each other. However, Alcor is behind Mizar but resides slightly above and to the left of Mizar.

What is the color of the star alcor?

The star Alcor has a very specifis color,it is a whitish orange star which means its kind of cool, but you never know. So i would recommend for you to go on http:/ or Images to look for it.

What is the constellation that contains Alcor?

Ursa Major is the constellation that contains Alcor.

What is the population of Mairena del Alcor?

The population of Mairena del Alcor is 19,924.

What is the name of the star on the big dippers handle?

There is more than one star in the handle of the Big Dipper: Alkaid, Alcor, Mizar, and Alioth. See Related Links.

What is a mizar?

the archaic word Mizar means astronomy, it refers to a star in the handle of the Big Dipper.its located near Alcor in the the handle of the Big Dipper.And are actually a complex system. Alcor is a binary and Mizar is a quadruple system of two binary stars.

What is the area of Mairena del Alcor?

The area of Mairena del Alcor is 69.72 square kilometers.

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El Viso del Alcor's population is 18,351.

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Santa Cecilia del Alcor's population is 152.

What is Alcor Life Extension Foundation's population?

The population of Alcor Life Extension Foundation is 12.