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Visible light spectrum.

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Q: What is the small part of the light spectrum that you can see - called?
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The part of the electromagnetic spectrum that you can actually see is called the spectrum?

No, its just visible light - light is part of the electromagnetic spectrum and is in the middle of it.

What spectrum does white light form?

when dispersed through a prism: Visible spectrum of light (rainbow) part of (very small fraction) electromagnets spectrum

What is Radiant light energy?

This is part of the Electromagnetic radiation spectrum, visible light occupies a small part of this spectrum, but all wavelengths have the same physical properties

What is the form of radiation as natural visible light?

Visible light is a small part of the electromagnetic spectrum.

What part of the EM spectrum do you use to see stuff?

That part is called "visible light", or just "light".

Why is the part of the electromagnetic spectrum you can see called ultraviolet light?

Its not. You can't see ultraviolet. (it lies just above the visible spectrum.)

The part of the electromagnetic spectrum you can see is called ultraviolet light?

No, the visible part is called visible light. Ultraviolet is invisible to the human eye.

Is the part of the electromagnetic spectrum you can see called ultraviolet light?

No, the visible part is called visible light. Ultraviolet is invisible to the human eye.

Why are some parts of the electromagnetic spectrum called light and others called waves?

No reason. Light is an electromagnetic wave so you can call any part of the spectrum either.

Is it true that the part of the electromagnetic spectrum you can see is called ultraviolet light?


Why is it true to say that all EM radiation is light even though we can see only a small slice of the spectrum as visible light?

Visible light is a very small part of the EM spectrum and it is intellectual laziness to refer to all EM radiation as light.

Is light part of the radio spectrum?

No, light is not part of the radio spectrum. But, both the radio spectrum and light are part of the electromagnetic spectrum. The electromagnetic spectrum is a range of frequencies from very low to very high. Light frequencies are higher than radio frequencies but both are the same kind of thing.