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You are describing the "ear canal".

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Q: What is the small tube lined with ear wax and ear hair?
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A small tube lined with hair that makes up part of the outer ear?

The ear canal is the part of the outer ear that is a tube lined with tiny hair like features. The ear canal leads into the ear from the bottom of the auricular and is what conducts the vibrations.

What is the inch long tube lined with hair in your ear called?

Ear canal

Which structure of the human ear is filled with fluid and lined with tiny hair lines?

Cochlea i think

What animal has long eyelashes and hair lined ear that block blowing sand can close its nostrils to keep sand out?


What does the eustachain tube do?

The Eustachian tube connects the back of the nose to the middle ear. It is a small tube that is only three to four centimeters long.

What is the coiled tube in the inner ear?

The coiled tube of the inner ear is called the Cochlea.

What connects the eardrum to the throat?

The Eustachian tube which drains fluid from the eardrum to the throat The tube is about 3.6cm long, made up of cartilage and bone, and lined with very tiny hairs (called cilia). It is connected to the cavity of the middle ear, and at the bottom opens into the nasopharynx (located in the back of the mouth). If excess fluid builds up in the middle ear, it drains down the Eustachian tube into the throat.

Is the ear connected to nose?

Your Eustachian Tube connects your ear to your nose.

Can you cut the hair in a horses ear?

Hold the horse's ear so it is closed. Then run your electric clippers along their ear to trim. I've used and seen this method is used to make their ears look nice and trim, the cut hair generally will not fall into their ear, it deafens the sound of the clippers (which should be small hand-held) and you leave the small hairs inside the ear alone.

What is the function of the tube that leads from the middle ear to the throat?

The Eustachian joins the ear to the throat

How is a myringotomy performed?

When a conventional myringotomy is performed, the ear is washed, a small incision made in the eardrum, the fluid sucked out, a tube inserted, and the ear packed with cotton to control bleeding.

What is eustachitis?

Eustachitis is inflammation or infection of the Eustachian tube, a small passage that connects the middle ear to the upper throat. Symptoms can include ear pain, hearing difficulties, and pressure in the ear. Treatment may involve pain relief medications and managing any underlying infection.