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Q: What is the smallest atom in group 6A and gains 2 electrons to become chemically stable?
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In order to become a chemically stable ion a neutral atom of calcium will?

It would have to lose two electrons.

Does an atom with 2 electrons in its second shell gain or give up electrons?

They give up electrons because it is easier for them to become chemically stable that way.

In a covalent bond can atoms become chemically stable by sharing their valence electrons?

Yes, a covalent bond involve sharing of electrons between two atoms.

How the number of electrons in an energy level affect bond formation?

If the atom is chemically stable it doesnt need to bond, it is chemically stable when the outermost level is completely full of electrons

How many electrons would polonium lose to become stable?

Atoms become chemically neutral with either 2 or 8 electrons in the outermost orbital. Polonium would lose 2 electrons to become chemically neutral. Because Polonium is radioactive it will remain unstable until gains two in Atomic Number to resemble the configuration of Lead.

How can nitrogen become more chemically stable?

Nitrogen is sufficiently stable.

Which noble gases are the most chemically stable?

Gases with eight valence electrons.

How many electrons does sulfur gain or lose to become stable?

Sulfur gains 2 electrons to become stable.

How many electrons does a chemically stable atom have in its outer energy level?

8 electrons

What is the process of losing or gaining electrons to become stable?

The process of losing or gaining electrons to become stable is called ionization.

Is sulfur outer most shell stable?

No, sulfur has only 6 valence electrons. Atoms with 8 valence electrons are most stable and generally chemically inert.

How many electrons normally does it take to make an atom chemically stable what is the exception to this rule?

The number of electrons must be eight.