

Best Answer
  • Return opening gates (Gates that open towards the users slows movement forcing pedestrians to stop and look before walking across intersections.)
  • Button/action gates (Button, or action (require pedestrian action) gates that engage pedestrians to think before walking similar to return opening gates).
  • Traffic lights (It's been proven that using signals that people already obey will increase effectiveness; as people are already conditioned to stop automatically at red lights.
  • Automated traffic gates (similar to systems used for trains gates can be set up with sensors that only open when it's clear.)
  • Bridges (bridges can be used to completely remove traffic intersections, helping to improve traffic flow and therefore productivity.)
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Q: What is the solution if the forklift and pedestrians in the same area?
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The simplest solution is a 9*1 rectangle but there are ellipses etc that will have the same properties.

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20 feet

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It normally depends on what forklift type your doing. A standard forklift can be done in one day. The more dangerous types like long reach rough terrain may need 2 days and high reach the same

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LPG works exactly the same as gasoline, but cleaner.

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Homogeneous. The prefix homo means "the same". A solution is the same throughout.

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How much a square is equal to?

This question is incomplete. There is no specific given information and/or the desired solution is indeterminate. However, the formula to calculate the area within a square is essentially the same as a rectangle. Area = l x w.

How much does a forklift driver make now?

They are on the same scale pf pay as cashiers. Start at 11.50 and max out at 21.50.