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Q: What is the source of energy in light phase?
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Is a source of light energy?

A fire is a source of light energy.

What is the source of energy in a light bulb?

Electricity is the source of energy in a light bulb.

Is light energy a source of energy?

Yes light is energy

What is the source of energy for a solar cell?

solar light is the source of energy for a solar light

An object that gives out light is it a light source or it is a light energy?

It is a light source.

Is energy conversion accomplished in the light reaction phase?

light reactionthe photochemical phase of photosynthesis in which light energy is converted and stored biochemically in the form of ATP

Is a torchlight a natural source of light?

Torch light is NOT a natural source of light. It is an Artificial Source of light generated by the electrical energy. In this the electrical energy is being transformed into Light energy.

What is the light dependent phase?

The "light dependent phase" or "light-dependent reaction" is a phase in photosynthesis in which light is absorbed by the photosystems (PS I and PS II) in the thylakoid membranes and electrons flow through the electron transport chains.

Is a solar cell an energy source?

A solar cell is not an energy source, but an energy converter. In the case of solar, the energy source is light, and the solar cell converts it from light energy to electrical energy.

What is the largest source of light energy?

Sun is the largest source of light energy. It provides heat and light on earth's surface.

What is the main source of light and energy?

The main source of light is the sun

How is light from a hot source different to light from a cool source?

When hear energy is converted to loght energy it is called hot source of light (sun light). when light source is produced from (generally reflected light, moon light) a cooler object.