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Q: What is the source of energy that drives the movement of the lithospheric platesWhat is the source of energy that drives the movement of the lithospheric plates?
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What powers earth's rock cycle?

Heat from the Earth's core which drives lithospheric plate movements, and provides a magnetosphere which allows an atmosphere to exist. english not random stuff please

What is kinetic energy?

Kinetic energy is the energy that an object has due to its motion or movement. For instance if a car drives into a wall the energy of its movement is what destroys the wall, That energy is kinetic energy. Note: Heat is also a form of Kinetic energy because heat is the movement (vibration energy) of atoms or molecules.

What supplies the energy that drives the energy cycle?

Energy from the sun

What type of energy drives the greenhouse effect?

Heat energy drives greenhouse effect. Huge amount of heat energy is trapped at a surface.

What kind of energy drives all the processes important to life on earth?

The energy from the Sun, solar energy drives all the process important to life on Earth.

What energy source drives wind on earth?

The sun's energy. The sun does not heat all surfaces of the earth evenly the differences of temperature between the tropics, poles, land, sea cause air movement - wind

What is the driving force for the moment of the lithospheric plates?

Heat escaping from Earth's core drives the mantle convection currents which move the Earth's lithospheric, tectonic plates. The heat in the Earth's core was originally a result of the gravimetric potential energy released as the Earth's materials collapsed out of the solar nebular. This heat melted the whole Earth and the various components separated into layers related to their density. All the heavy stuff - Iron, Nickel, gold and the radioactive elements went to Earth's centre. Over geologic time all this heat would have dissipated and the Earth should have cooled and completely solidified by now (there would be no plate movement as has happened on Mars). However, the quantity of radioactive elements packed into the core means that the energy from these as they decay (by fission) has kept Earth's core molten and hot (as hot as the surface of the Sun). So the forces moving the lithospheric plates are "nuclear powered". If one goes back further, the radioactive elements (all elements heavier than Iron) are made in the explosion of large stars called supernovas. So ultimately the force powering the movement of Earth's lithospheric plates is the explosion of a star. Isn't that amazing!

What is the source of energy that drives the watercycle?

sunSolar energy, from the sun's rays.

What form of energy drives a photochemical reaction?

The energy in light

What type of energy drives the weather?

Its all solar energy.

What energy sources drives the atmosphere and hydrosphere?

Energy from the Sun.

What source of energy drives the atmosphere and hydrosphere?

Energy from the Sun.