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Q: What is the source of the word tuxedo a. a man's name b.a place c.a Latin word d.a Greek word?
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What is the source of the word tuxedo?

a place

What is the meaning forum in Greek?

forum is Latin and means the marketplace, the central square, the place where public gathers.The Greek for forum is agora

Where can you find a cheap tuxedo place in Oxnard?


Does museum have greek origins?

Yes. It comes from the Greek word "mouseion" meaning "a place of study" but was originally intended to mean "a shrine for the Muses." This word is the root of the Latin word "museum" which has the same meaning as the original Greek ("a place of study")

What does Ibid. mean?

Latin ibidem, in the same place

What is the meaning of Lauren in greek?

Lauren is actually a Latin name that means from Laurentium or from the place of the laurel trees. In French the name means "crowned with laurel. " There is no Greek meaning of the name.

What is the quickest way to tell if a root or affix is Greek or Latin if you have to identify on a standardized test?

you really can't tell unless you know what it is in the first place but 70% of the time it's latin.

What is a aerial photo?

Latin aerius, from Greek aerios, from aērTherefore it means as sky, or above view of the object, place, or person.

What is the Latin word for gallery?

I suppose you mean photo or picture gallery. In that case, the Latin word is Poecilē, which is taken from the Greek Ποικίλη, the picture gallery, a frescoed hall in the market-place of Athens.

What does claustraphobic mean?

From Latin: claustrum ("a closed-in place")and Greek: phobos (fear),It means an abnormal fear of closed in places, of having no escape.

Where did the word 'television' originate?

According to a single website I found on a web-search "Tele- is a Greek( ) prefix meaning "distant". It can be short for television or telephone." and another web-search reveled "The word television is derived from a mixture of Latin and Greek words meaning 'far sight' i.e. tele meaning far in Greek and visiomeaning sight in Latin."As to why it's supposedly a combination of Greek and Latin/English (vision not viso) words I still don't know (I'd check for a correlation between the language from the place where it originated and areas that primarily speak Latin and/or Greek/English, or just search for the answer why)

Would Greek names be used in medieval England?

No Greek names would have been used by the general population in medieval England, but some may have been used by the clergy. I base my answer on the foundation that people were not literate and wouldn't have known Greek names in this time unless they had direct contact with a person of Greek origin or read it some place. Since they couldn't read that wasn't possible and there was very little foreign travel in this time. Monks may have known Greek or Latin names because they could read and could speak Latin or Greek. So, they may have used a Greek/Latin name.