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Q: What is the space behind an opaque object where light does not reach?
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The space behind an opaque object where light doesn't reach?


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A shadow is an area where direct light from a light source cannot reach due to obstruction by an object. It occupies all of the space behind an opaque object with light in front of it. The cross section of a shadow is a two-dimensional silhouette, or reverse projection of the object blocking the light.

Why does a shadow form behind an object when light shines on it?

Because a shadow forms behind an object when a light source shines on it. This happens because the object is solid and light can not travel through the solid object. The light that travels around the object reflects back up and the area that is not reflecting looks darker. That's why! Did this help you?

The upper limit to the speed of an object with mass?

An object with mass might approach, but never reach, the speed of light.An object with mass might approach, but never reach, the speed of light.An object with mass might approach, but never reach, the speed of light.An object with mass might approach, but never reach, the speed of light.

Is CD an opaque object?

no you cant see through itEdit (Wolf5370): Erm, the definition of opaque is that you can't see through it! So, yes a CD is mostly opaque (though the edges where ther film does nor reach is usually transparent - see through).

How does light determine an objects's color?

Light determine an object's by the wavelength of light that reach to your eyes.light can reach your eyes after being reflected by an object,transmitted through an object,or emitted by an object.When your eyes receive the light,they send signals to your brain.Your brain interprets the signals as colors.

What you see when reflected wavelengths of light reach your eyes?

it sees the color of an object or shine of light

If a material absorbs all the light waves that reach it which color will the human eye see?

You will see nothing. If there is a contrasting color behind the object, it will show up as black upon the background color.

If the cardboard is opaque is my prediction by moving shapes closer and further away from the light source correct?

If you are using an opaque cardboard to predict how moving shapes closer or further away from a light source will affect their shadows, your prediction is likely to be correct. When you move objects closer or farther away from a light source, the size and position of their shadows will change. Here's what you can generally expect: Moving Closer to Light Source: When you move an object closer to the light source, the shadow it casts tends to become larger and less defined. This is because the light rays diverge less as they reach the object, creating a broader and softer shadow. Moving Away from Light Source: When you move an object away from the light source, the shadow it casts tends to become smaller and more defined. The light rays spread out more as they reach the object, creating a sharper shadow. Using an opaque cardboard to experiment with shadows is a great way to observe and understand how light interacts with objects. By observing these changes in shadow size and definition, you can gain insights into the principles of light, shadow, and perspective. This type of hands-on experimentation can be particularly helpful for educational purposes, especially in fields like art, photography, and physics.

Is a shadow a place where there is no light?

Correct - a shadows are the places where the light from a light source cannot reach because an opaque object is blocking the light's path.Darkness is not the opposite of light, but rather an absense of it. Light is energy. For example, the Fahrenheit scale does not continue into the negative numbers forever. There is actually another scale besides the Celsius scale called the Kelvin scale. In Kelvin, there are no negative degrees. The lowest degree is 0, which means there is absolutely no energy (On a side note, 0 degrees Kelvin is impossible to reach, but scientists have come very close to it).

What is the color that an object appears to be determined by?

It is determined by the wavelengths of light that reach your eyes.

How much energy you would produce if you were going the speed of light?

Since no object with mass can reach the speed of light -- such an object can only approach that speed -- the question is meaningless.