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Q: What is the spanish word for club?
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Related questions

What does a la reunion del club de espanol mean in spanish?

To the meeting of the Spanish Club. Literally = to the reunion of the club of Spanish.

How do you spell 'Spanish Club' in the Spanish language?

"El club de español" or "Club español".

How do you spell the word Club Penguin in Spanish?

Club Penguin. That is how you spell it because it's a name so you don't translate a name like IPhone in Spanish is spelled IPhone. Get it? If it helps, the words translate as: Club (same in both languages) Penguin - pajaro bobo (which also means 'booby')

How do you say club in Spanish?

club or asociación Hope that helped (:

Noun the mean's for a word club?

The word club is a collective noun " A geek club"

Who invented the glee club?

Will Schuester invented the glee club. He is the glee club teacher and the Spanish teacher.

Is guitar a spanish word?

The spanish word for guitar is Guitarra. This English word came directly from the Spanish word, but it is not a Spanish word any more than the Spanish word is an Arabic word. "qutar" or a Greek word Chirara.

The Spanish word for did?

The spanish word for did is hizo.

What is the Spanish for the word of?

"De" is the Spanish word for "of".

What is Spanish word for she?

The Spanish word for "she" is "ella".

What is the Spanish word for in?

The Spanish word for "in" is "en".

What is the Spanish word for with?

"Con" is the spanish word for "with".