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Q: What is the spanish word for rock?
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What is the English translation of the Spanish word Vedra?

it sounds like rock to me but I'm not shure if that's the exact word due to the spelling, but i think its rock

What does espada mean?

Espada is the spanish word for "sword", and Japanese for "ten blades"

What is the spanish word for rockers?

The word is roquero (roh - keh - roh) and is and adjective. It refers to the one who plays or is a fan of rock music.

How do you say your music rocks in spanish?

¡Tu música es chido! Is the closest translation I can think of; chido is a slang word for 'cool'.

Is guitar a spanish word?

The spanish word for guitar is Guitarra. This English word came directly from the Spanish word, but it is not a Spanish word any more than the Spanish word is an Arabic word. "qutar" or a Greek word Chirara.

What is the English word for the spanish word itzel?

According to the Royal Spanish Academy, there is no such word in spanish.

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The Spanish word for Wales is "Gales."

What is the word for leg in Spanish?

The word for leg in Spanish is "pierna."

The Spanish word for did?

The spanish word for did is hizo.

What is the Spanish for the word of?

"De" is the Spanish word for "of".

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The Spanish word for "she" is "ella".

What is the Spanish word for in?

The Spanish word for "in" is "en".