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Q: What is the special green substance found in plants?
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What is the green substance only in plants?

chlorophyll found in the chloroplasts

What substance found in the chloroplasts of plant cells gives plants their green color?

Chlorophyll makes plants green.

What is chlroplasts?

a green like substance found in plants what gives the plant its green like color.

How does plants get it color?

Plants receive their green color from a substance called chlorophyll found in their organelles called chloroplasts.

Why are leaves of plants green short answers?

What is the green substance in leaves of plants? The green substance in the leaves of plants is a pigment called chlorophyll

What substance gives plants their green colour?

Chlorophyll is the substance that gives plants their green colour.

What make the plants green?

Plants are green because they have a substance called chlorophyll in them.

What is the green substance in plants?


What is a green substance in plants?


What is chlorophyll used in?

IT is used in plants and is the substance that colours the leaves of plants green. They are an essential substance to all processes in plants.

What is the name of the substane that makes plants green?

The substance that gives plants their green color is chlorophyll. This pigment absorbs mostly blue and red light, but reflects green light. It is the substance that allows plants to perform photosynthesis, using the light it absorbs to power the process of transforming water and carbon dioxide into carbohydrates.

What is clorophylle?

Clorophyll is a green substance in the cells of leaves. Your question answered by Witcliffe Cunningham.