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Q: What is the specific heat of germanium?
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Does germanium conduct heat?

Germanium is a metal that does conduct heat, but does not conduct heat as well as other metals. This makes it a semiconductor.

Does germanium conduct heat well?

im pretty sure

How Many subatomic particles does germanium have?

Germanium has 32 electrons and protons; the number of neutrons is specific for each isotope. Number of neutrons in a germanium isotope = Mass number - 32

Specific resistance of a pure germanium?

60 ohm-m?

Why Silicon and germanium emit light?

they emit heat when their is a recombination of electron and holes

Why silicon prefer to germiniuam?

Four reasons. First, it is a LOT cheaper and easier to get silicon. Germanium is a trace element in rocks. You need to mine and process lots of rock to get any germanium. Silicon is also known as sand--very easy to find. Second, germanium is heat sensitive. It's harder to solder a germanium device in than a silicon one because the heat can mess up the germanium. Germanium devices pretty much have to be soldered in by hand because you have to heat sink them, whereas silicon devices can be soldered in a soldering machine. Third, germanium's hazardous and silicon is generally not. People eat off glass plates, which are made from silicon. They do NOT eat from germanium plates, if they could even afford them. And fourth, germanium has a variable voltage drop--the higher the voltage, the greater the drop. If you pump 5000 volts into a silicon diode, you're going to get 4999.3v out the other side.

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Why specific heat is large specific volume?

Specific heat has nothing to do with specific volume.

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Effect of temperature on specific heat of material?

The effect of temperature on specific heat of material is referred to as specific heat capacity.

What is ge germanium used for?

An Important Use Of Germanium Is That It's A Semi-Conductor (Semiconductor.) A Semi-Conductor Will Only Conduct Things, Such As Heat, So Well, And Only So Many Of Times You Try.