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in what kingdom does felis domesticus belong

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Q: What is the specific name for felis domestics?
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What is the specific name for the common house cat?

The Scientific name for the domestic cat is Felis catus.

What is the scientific name of the house cat?

Felis domesticusActually, Felis domesticus is now an outdated name and is no longer valid. The correct Scientific name for the domestic cat is Felis catus.

What is another name for felis domestica?

Felis domestica is a taxonomic species within the Felis genus. This is an invalid taxonomic name for the domestic cat. The correct name for the domestic cat is Felis catus.

What is the common name of felis cattus?

Felis domestica is a taxonomic species within the Felis genus. This is an invalid taxonomic name for the domestic cat. The correct name for the domestic cat is Felis catus.

Felis cattus is the scientific name for what animal?

Felis cattus is the scientific name for the domestic cat.

Scientific name of cat?

The scientific name of a domestic cat is Felis catus.

What is the real scientific name for cat?

The specific name for the house or domestic cat is Felis Catus.All cats belong to the biological family Felidae.

What is the scientific name for cats?

The domestic cat is called Felis catus.Feline or Felis catus

Scientific name for a common cat?

The scientific classification for a cat is as follows: Kingdom Animalia, Phylum Chordata, Class Mammalia, Order Carnivora, Family Felidae, and Genus, Felis. The species name for a cat is Felis Catus.

Scientific name for cat?

Felis Catus is the taxonomic name for the domestic housecat

The scientific name for a common housecat is Felis catus The word Felis refers to the animal's?

Felis refers to the animal's genus, which is a taxonomic classification that groups species with similar characteristics. In this case, Felis is the genus that includes small and medium-sized cats, like domestic cats.

From what kingdom is felis domesticus?

Felis domesticus, also known as the domestic cat, belongs to the kingdom Animalia.