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Q: What is the speed of Flood water as wind speed?
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What is the difference between a tornado or flood?

A Tornado is swirly fast wind, a flood is rising water levels...

What is the wind speed of a flash flood?

To calculate the wind speed of a flood: Lets say D stands for the depth of the flood in meters, and G is the speed of gravity, which is 1471/150 or 9121/150. The land speed of the flood would be the square root of D and G. Multiply by 900/463 to convert from meters per second to air or nautical miles (knots). So then, the equation for it is: knots = sqrt(D * 1471/150) * 900/463.

What is the average wind speed during a flood?

There is no specific number for this question. Floods can occur with no wind, and some with many. There is no record of an averaged number of all wind speeds during floods.

Why does the shape and height of the wave depends on the speed of the wind?

This is because the waves formed in the sea are caused by the blowing wind. As the wind blows over the water,stream of wind pushes the overlying water towards the direction it is moving.Therefore,the speed of water determines the size and shape of the wind.

How much does water slow you down?

Depends on the quantity of water and speed of wind.

Why is wind speed faster over water?

it has less this to ovoid

How wind and water work together with the sailboat?

Wind and Water are the main elements that help the boat to sail. Water helps the barge or hull to push forward and the wind gives extra speed.

An anemometer is used to measure?

An anemometer is used for measuring the speed of wind,

How does the speed of wind or water affect energy?

cause in england there's a drought and you have to pay for water

Does Florida Homeowners Insurance without extra flood insurance cover water damage if the roof is torn off from a storm and water comes from the sky?

Yes. This is not a 'flood' situation. Flood insurance covers rising waters entering the home. The homeowners policy covers resulting water damage from a wind damaged roof.

What causes water to happen?

If it is on rivers that are in highlands (up in the mountains and are usually narrow) it is gravity, so it erodes downwards. However, if it is in lowlands (in a valley or a flood plain, for example) it is usually the sheer force of water - in other words, the hydraulic action of water + sediments carried by water. Wind can also contribute to water erosion, as it causes waves and it accelerates the water speed.

Why does erosion of a riverbed increase so much during flood times?

There is a much higher volume of water, and increased speed in a river that is in flood. This increase in force will move stones and boulders, scouring the river's bed.