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299,792,458 meters/second

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Q: What is the speed of light on earth through air?
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How do the speed of light and the speed of sound compare through air?

The speed of light is significantly faster than the speed of sound in air. The speed of light in a vacuum is approximately 299,792 kilometers per second while the speed of sound in air is about 343 meters per second. This means that light travels almost a million times faster than sound through air.

Is this true or false that light moves slower through water than through air?

Yes it is true. If c is the speed of light in air then in water it will be 3/4 of c Hence refractive index of water = speed of light in air/speed of light in water So refractive index = 4/3 = 1.333

What happens to the speed of the light as it travels from the air through the glass and then through the water?

The speed of light decreases when it travels from air to glass and further decreases when it travels from glass to water. This is due to the different refractive indexes of each medium, which affects the speed at which light can propagate.

How much faster is the speed of light compared to earth speed?

The speed of light is not always fixed at 299792458 m/s. In earth's atmosphere, the speed of light slows, though this is negligible. In water, light travels at 75% of c, and in a diamond, light travels at .40 c. C is the speed of light, rounded to 300,000 km/s.

Can the speed of light depend on air temperature?

The speed at which light travels through a substance such as air depends on its density, which in turn depends in part on temperature.

Does Light moves slower through water than through air?

Yes, light moves slower through water than through air because water has a higher refractive index than air. This causes light to bend more when it enters water, resulting in a slower speed.

What name is applied to light that is bent in the atmosphere?

The name applied to light that is bent in the atmosphere is "refraction." This bending of light occurs due to the change in speed as light travels through different mediums with varying densities, such as air through the Earth's atmosphere.

What materials can light travel through faster than it travels through air?

Light can travel faster through a vacuum than through air. In a vacuum, light travels at its maximum speed of about 299,792 kilometers per second. This is because there are no particles in a vacuum to slow down the light's speed.

What is the speed of visible light waves when traveling through air at normal temperatures and pressures?

The speed of light in vacuum is exactly 299.792,458 m / s The speed of light in air is roughly 299,702,458 m / s

Why does the speed of light vary?

The speed of light varies because the absolute speed of light "C" is measured in a vacuum. When light travels through air, it goes slightly slower. When light travels through denser mediums still, such as glass, the speed decreases further still.

Does light travels slowest through space?

Light travels fastest through space, as it does not encounter any obstacles to slow it down. In other mediums, such as air, water, or glass, light will travel at a slower speed due to interactions with the medium's particles.

What is the speed of light from sun to the earth?

The sun is roughly 8 minutes and 19 seconds away from earth in light speed!!! Imagine how far away it is in normal earth speed!?!? The speed of light is about 186,000 miles per second.