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When you look at a pencil in a cup of water and see a distorted image of the pencil it is called "Refraction". I have seen many people post statements saying light is not affected by temperature. This is incorrect. A mirage on the highway is a perfect example. Mirages are caused by hot air near the ground refracting, or bending, light rays upwart into the eyes of a distant observer.

Speed of light in a vacuum = 3.00 x 10^8 m/s

Refraction of Air at 30oC = 1.00026

Formula: n = c/v

v = 3.00 x 10^8 / 1.00026

v = 2.99 x 10^8

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Q: What is the speed of light while traveling through air at 30 degrees celsius?
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What is the speed of light at 30 degrees?

That would depend on the medium which the light is traveling through.

What to wear at 10 degrees Celsius?

A light jacket. 10 degrees Celsius is 50 degrees Fahrenheit.

When is the speed of light the fastest?

When the light is traveling through vacuum.

What is the critical angle for light traveling from water into air?

48.6 degrees

What to wear on a day that is 6 degrees celsius?

6 degrees Celsius equals 42.8 degrees Fahrenheit. This means that you are likely to wear long sleeves and long pants, with a light to medium warmth jacket.

Can light travel without air?

Yes. In fact light traveling through air moves slower than when traveling through a vacuum. Light traveling from the Sun travels through space which is almost a vacuum. Stars are suns and light from them goes through the interstitial areas between galactic clusters which is very close to a total vacuum.

What does the speed of light and the speed of sound travel through?

The speed of air at 20 degrees Celsius is 343 meters per second. The speed of light is 299 792 458 meters per second.

Is it hazzardous to turn a light on and off by just loosening it from the socket?

Switching light on/off through loosening from socket is not advisable. Light bulb can reach at temperature between 200-260 degrees Celsius and it can be hazardous in physical contact.

What does white light traveling through a prism show?

a rainbow

What is the same for all photon traveling through a vacuum?

Speed. All photons traveling through a vacuum travel at the speed of light.

If the temperature is 39 degrees Celsius you are most likely to want to wear?

If the temperature is 39 degrees Celsius you are most likely to want to wear?Something light and cool (or even a bathing suit) -- this is the same as 102.2 degrees Fvery little.