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1,541 m/sec

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Q: What is the speed of sound in water at 50 degrees Celsius?
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What would happen to the speed of sound if the air temperature dropped below 0 degrees celsius?

The speed of sound is given by the formula v = 331.5 + .6T, where T is the temperature of the air in degrees Celsius. If T were negative, then you would simply have a speed of sound less than 331.5 m/s. For example, if T = -5 degrees Celsius, thenv = 331.5 + .6*-5 = 328.5 m/sThere really isn't anything magic about an air temperature of 0 degrees Celsius. Zero degrees Celsius is the temperature at which water freezes, but nothing particularly interesting happens to _air_ at that temperature.

How fast is the speed of sound in water?

The speed of sound in water at 25 degree Celsius is 1493 meters per second.

Speed of sound in fresh water?

the speed of sound of water at 25 degrees centigrade is 1497 m/s.

How fast is the speed of sound through air?

at 0 degrees Celsius sound travells 330 metres per second at 20 degrees Celsius sound travells 340 metres per second at 30 degrees Celsius sound travells 350 metres per second in water sound travells 1400 meters per second through wood sound travells 4500 metres per second through steel sound travells 5000 metres per second

What is the speed of sound in a second?

The speed of sound is dependent on the temperature and not on the air pressure. At 20 degrees celsius the speed of sound is 343 m/s.

When the frequency of the source of a water wave increases the speed of the waves traveling in the water increases. Is this a true or false statement?

The statement, when the frequency of the source of a water wave increases the speed of the waves traveling in the water increases is true. It is stated that sound will travel through the water at 20 degrees Celsius faster than water at 80 degrees.

What is the boiling point(in degrees Celsius) of water?

The boiling point of water is 100 degrees Celsius and the melting point of water is 0 degrees Celsius

What is the boiling point of water in degrees Celsius on a thermometer?

The boiling point of water is 100 degrees Celsius and the melting point of water is 0 degrees Celsius

What is the degrees for boiling water in Celsius?

100 degrees Celsius

What is the boiling point ( in degrees celsius ) of water?

It is 100 degrees Celsius that water boils at.

What is the boiling point (in degrees Celsius ) of water?

It is 100 degrees Celsius that water boils at.

What happens to water at 25 degrees celsius?

Nothing. It is a liquid. Water freezes at 0 degrees Celsius, and boils at 100 degrees Celsius.