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The speed of light in vacuum is exactly 299.792,458 m / s

The speed of light in air is roughly 299,702,458 m / s

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Q: What is the speed of visible light waves when traveling through air at normal temperatures and pressures?
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What color of visible light has the fastest velocity?

As long as they're all traveling through the same material, all colors of visible light have virtually identical speed.

Which electromagnetic radiations can be transmitted through an optical fiber?

Electromagnetic radiations in the visible spectrum, such as infrared, visible light, and near-ultraviolet, can be transmitted through an optical fiber. These wavelengths are compatible with the glass or plastic material of the fiber and capable of traveling long distances with minimal loss.

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All electromagnetic waves have the same speed, as long as they're traveling through the same stuff, regardless of their wavelength.

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All conventional electrolytes are visible, even if they mostly look like water. In some extreme circumstances gases can be electrolytes and they should be invisible. One example of this is an arc between two electrodes in a vacuum, and another is hydrogen chloride at high pressures and/or low temperatures.

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No. If you are travelling due West, in the Northern Hemisphere, it should be visible to your right. If you are travelling due East, it should be visible to your left.

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A ray of light in the air is a thin beam of light traveling through the atmosphere. The ray can be produced by natural sources like the sun or artificial sources like light bulbs. It can be seen as a visible stream of photons passing through the air.

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Actually, both are the ways of traveling the data from client machine to server machine.But the difference is that data will travel through GET as a query_string and through POST as a input_string. *Length of query_string is 256 but the length of input_string is unlimited. *GET is fast as compare to POST. *GET is visible POST is invisible.

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Sublimation is the direct change of a substance from a solid to a gas without passing through the liquid phase, while boiling is the conversion of a liquid to a gas by heating the liquid to its boiling point. Sublimation typically occurs at lower temperatures and pressures compared to boiling.

Electromagnetic wave in a sentence?

An electromagnetic wave is a type of energy that consists of oscillating electric and magnetic fields traveling through space, such as visible light or radio waves.

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What is the transfer of heat through the emptiness of space an energy called?

The transfer of heat through the emptiness of space is called radiation. This energy transfer occurs in the form of electromagnetic waves, such as visible light or infrared radiation, traveling through a vacuum without the need for a medium.

How are stars different colors?

At different stages in their life cycles they have different temperatures and radiate different visible wavelengths.