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โˆ™ 10y ago
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โˆ™ 3y ago

The soretbbv bread and butter 🍞

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Q: What is the spread of a drop of food dye in a glass of milk called?
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When you spread a drop of food dye in a glass of milk this is called?

The spread of a drop of food dye throughout a glass of milk is called

What would you see if you drop food colouring in a glass of water for 15 minutes?

You would see the drop slowly spread out until eventually the entire glass of water would be colored.

What happens if you place a drop of food coloring in a glass of water?

When you put a drop of food coloring into a glass of water, the water will turn that color.

What is a good question for how long do it take a drop of food dye to color a glass of still water?

A good question might be, "How long does it take a drop of food dye to color a glass of still water?"

What process is responsible for the spreading of a drop of food coloring in a glass of water?

convection currents

How does diffusion occur most rapidly- with or against the concentration gradient?

Diffusion only occurs down a concentration gradient. Put a drop of food coloring in a glass of water - you will never see the food coloring spontaneously concentrate. It will always spread down the gradient.

Can diffusion occur in the absence of a membrane?

Of course! Drop a drop of iodine or food coloringin a glass of still water and watch it diffuse.

What happens when you drop food colouring in room temperature water?

The food colouring will gradually spread through the water because of diffusion.

What is diffusion and give an example?

Diffusion is the movement of particles from a region of high concentration to a region of low concentration. An example would be putting a drop of food coloring in a glass of water. At first it will look dark and concentrated, after a while it will be spread out evenly.

How long would it take a drop of food coloring to color a glass of still water with sugar in it?

It depends on temperature. The warmer the liquid the faster diffusion occurs.

When is Diffusion a movement of a substance?

Drop a drop of food dye in a glass of water and watch. The dye diffuses through out the water, weakening the dye and coloring the water.

If you drop the food coloring it can change the color of a full glass water what is the solute and the solvent?

The solvent is the larger amount in this case (water).