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Rectus femoris

Vastus medialis

Vastus intermedialis

Vastus lateralis

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13y ago

There are many muscles responsible for flexion at the knee joint namely the rectus femoris, vastus medialis, vastus intermedius and vastus lateralis. Together, these make up the muscular group called the quadriceps, or more correctly the quadriceps femoris.

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Agonists in knee extension?

An agonist muscle is a muscle that plays a part in the extension of a muscle. The agonist muscles for a knee extension are the quadriceps and hamstrings.

What muscle group does extension of the knee?

Quadriceps muscle or thigh muscle.

What muscle does the last 10 degrees of knee extension?

Vastus Medialis

What muscle is the primary mover for knee flexion?

The prime mover for knee flexion is biceps femoris, semimembranosus, and semitendinosus. The prime mover for knee extension is the Quadriceps â?? vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, vastus intermedius, and rectus femoris

What muscle is pulled when the knee is forced into extension when the hip is already fully flexed?

the hamstrings :)

What are the antagonist muscle used in knee extension?

The antagonists would be those muscles that cause knee flexion. Hamstrings (biceps femoris, semimembranosus, semitendonosis) are the primary knee flexors, and would thus be antagonists to knee extension.

Which quadricep muscle has an additional action and what is it?

It is the rectus femoris, which along with the action of knee extension, it also flexes the hip

What are examples of reverse muscle action of the human body?

The rectus femoris THe regular Muscle Action is hip flexion with knee extension, as in kicking a ball or doing a straight leg raise The reverse muscle action is still hip flexion with knee extension, but as in doing sit-ups while lying supine with knes straight ahead

What is the agonist muscle in hip flexion?

Rectus femoris+ anterior thigh; quadriceps+ extension of leg at knee Vastus lateralis+ lateral anterior thigh; quadriceps+ extension of leg at knee Vastus Medialis+ medial anterior thigh; quadriceps+ extension of leg at knee Vastus intermedius+ deep anterior thigh; quadriceps+ extension of leg at knee Sartorius (*) parallel strap-like muscle that crosses thigh flexion of knee forward Biceps femoris* posterior thigh; hamstring* flexion of leg at knee Semitendinosus* posterior thigh; hamstring* flexion of leg at knee Semimembranosus* posterior thigh; hamstring* flexion of leg at knee

Knee flexion is when the knee is bent?

Yes, and knee extension would be when the knee is straight.

What are the four muscles that extend the vertebral column?

Longissimus Spinalis Semispinalis Iliocostalis, a minor role in extension but a major role in lateral bending and twisting of the spine Multifidius, a stabilizer muscle, plays a minor role in back extension

Is it possible to tear your quad muscle How can i know?

Quadriceps muscle is one of the strongest muscle of the body, but yes it can tear. Quadricpes muscle originates from the femur the thigh bone and inserts into the knee cap bone patella and then it goes down further to insert onto the leg bone or tibia. The main function of the muscle is extension of the knee that is to make the knee straight. it can tear at three locations 1 quadriceps tendon tear 2 patella fracture 3 patellar tendon tear the effect of this is inability to extend the knee and inability to lock the knee while standing the person buckles at the knee while standing.