

What is the stand that the bible is placed on?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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It's called a Lectern.

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Q: What is the stand that the bible is placed on?
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What is the stand where you read from the Bible called in a church?

The stand to which you are referring is called a pulpit. I suppose you could call the same thing, when used in academic setting, a lectern. Many churches do refer to it as the lectern, and use the term pulpit for where the message or sermon is delivered. yep thanks alt it helped

What is a lecturn?

A stand on which is a bookrest. On the lectern usually rests a Bible and it is from the lectern that the Bible is read during church services. Sometimes lecterns are plain and simple - made from wood. Sometimes, however they can be very ornate. The usual form of lectern that is found in very old churches is a brass stand on which is mounted a large brass eagle and the Bible is placed on the eagle's back on its outstretched wings. This symbolises the message of the Bible flying to all corners of the world as the Word of God is proclaimed from the lectern.

How many times is stand mentioned in the Bible?

The word "stand" is in the King James Version of the Bible 274 times. It is in 267 verses.

Is it bad if you put stuff on the Bible?

The Bible is the word of god. It can withstand something be placed upon it.