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Moscow, Russia - 38 degrees east and Moscow, Idaho - 117 degrees west

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Q: What is the standard meridian of Moscow?
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Is Moscow across the prime Meridian?

Wouldn't that kind of depend on where you're coming from, and on the route you choose to take you to Moscow ? The Earth is spherical (shaped like a ball), and that leads to some weird results: -- No matter how far you are from Moscow, you can always get there without crossing the Prime Meridian if you want to. -- No matter how close you are to Moscow when you start out, you can always cross the Prime Meridian on the way there if you want to.

What is the standard meridian of Europe?

The standard meridian time for Europe is Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)

Are the easternmost meridian and standard meridian of India same?

No, they are not same.

What could be the need for Indian standard meridian?

without standard meridian there would be no longitudes, proper time,

How many standard meridian are there in russia?

37 degree 37 minutes

What is standard meridian of India?

The significance of standard meridian of India is that Standard meridian is used as the standard time for whole country. If it isn't there chaos will be created in the country so standard time is very important.

What is the standard meridian of mauritius?

Longitude: 57º 33´East of Greenwich Meridian.

Is standard meridian of India and India standard is same?


What is the standard meridian of china?


What are the standard meridian of Malaysia?

The standard meridian of Malaysia is 105. Malaysia abides by the Malaysia Standard Time, which is developed in December 31, 1981 between WWI and WWII.

What is the standard meridian of India and why it has been not selected?

standard meridian of india is UTC +5:30 that is measured on 82.5 degrees east longtitude

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