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Q: What is the state of unconsciousness caused by anaesthetics called?
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What is a state of total unconsciousness?

A state of total unconsciousness is called Coma

What problem did the anesthetic solve?

The anaesthetic serves many purposes in today's medical world. Their main purpose is to induce a reversible state of total unconsciousness upon a patient so that they can have surgery with no pain or memory of it. Their overall aim is ensuring unconsciousness, amnesia and analgesia (pain relief) during a surgery or an extremely painful process. There are local anaesthetics and general anaesthetics. Local anaesthetics are topical (you apply them directly to the area you want numb), and general anesthetics numb the entire body, putting the patient into a state of unconsciousness so that surgery can be performed. Anaesthetics include a wide variety of medications, usually opioid or sedative-hypnotic drugs. There are dangers of respiratory depression with anaesthetics, which is why an Anaesthesiologist monitors your heart rate and breathing the whole time.

What is an unconscious state called?

The most usual unconscious state is sleep. A deeper form of unconsciousness is called a coma.

What is the difference between coma and comma?

A coma is a state of prolonged unconsciousness, while a comma is a punctuation mark used to separate parts of a sentence.

Which vertebrae refers to the state of unconsciousness?

A vertebra is a bone of the spine, they have nothing directly to do with a state of unconsciousness.

What is the full form of coma?

Coma, from the Greek word "Koma," meaning deep sleep, is a state of extreme unresponsiveness, in which an individual exhibits no voluntary movement or behavior. Furthermore, in a deep coma, even painful stimuli (actions which, when performed on a healthy individual, result in reactions) are unable to affect any response, and normal reflexes may be lost.A state of deep unconsciousness that lasts for a prolonged or indefinite period, caused especially by severe injury or illness.A state of deep unconsciousness that lasts for a prolonged or indefinite period, caused especially by severe injury or illness.

State of unconsciousness where patient cannot be aroused?


Temporary state of unconsciousness from which a person can awaken when stimulated?


Which statement best describes the condition of unconsciousness?

Unconsciousness, also known as passing out, knocked out, or blacked out, is a state in which the rational mind cannot receive sensory input, or interact with others through the normal means of communication. Although the autonomic bodily functions (heartbeat, breathing) may continue, there is no conscious or willful control of the muscular system. Usually there are no memories formed during actual unconsciousness. It can be caused by physical problems in the brain, by concussion, or by the use of drugs. A sustained period of unconsciousness is called a "coma".

A state of unconsciousness in which an individual cannot be aroused by normal stimuli is?


What is A state of deep unconsciousness cause by injury or disease?


What profound state of unconsciousness marked by the absence of spontaneous eye movements?
