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The resting potential is the normal equilibrium charge difference (potential gradient) across the neuronal membrane, created by the imbalance in sodium, potassium, and chloride ions inside and outside the neuron.

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11y ago
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13y ago

Outside the cell, mostly, but a few are also inside.

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13y ago

The potassium (K +) ions are inside of the axon, and the Sodium (Na -) ions are on the outside.

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13y ago

Nodes of ranvier have the greatest concentration of sodium channels

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10y ago

When a neuron is in the resting potential state,the outside of a membrane contains more sodium ions than inside of it.

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14y ago

sodium ions

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11y ago

it is .

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Q: What is the state when an electrical charge of a neuron is said to be at a resting potential?
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Related questions

What is the difference in electrical charge across the cell membrane of a resting neuron is called?

This is the definition of "resting potential".

It is the membrane potential of a neuron at rest?

Yes,the membrane potential of a neuron is at rest because it is the difference in electrical charge between inside and outside a resting neuron.

When a neuron's resting potential is occurring the neuron is what charge on the inside?

resting potiental

What is the tiny electrical charge that exists when a neuron is neither receiving nor sending information?

a resting potential

The electrical charge of an inactive neuron is known as?

Potential, ok well we all know it's a potential, but which one? Is it Action Potential, Synaptic Potential or Membrane Potential. Just saying Potential isn't saying much?

What is the charge on the inside membrane during the resting membrane potential?

The resting membrane potential of a typical neuron is around -65mV

What is the electrical charge of a resting neuron?

Although there are many polar molecules in a resting neuron the overall charge is zero. Neurons don't actually send electrical pulses in the same way as computers or other electric circuits. The main neural transmitter that carries a charge across the synapse is acetylcholine not individual electrons.

What condition is neuron in when the outside of the neuron has a net positive charge and the inside has net negative charge?

This is called the resting potential (inactive state) of the neuron. However, when a neurotransmitter binds to receptors, electrical stimulus is applied, etc. to induce an opening of ion channels in the membrane of the neuron, positive ions rush into the neuron from the outside to the inside, and result in a sharp increase of the positive charge density (due to more positive ions) inside the neuron. Beyond a certain threshold, this can induce the creation of an action potential, causing the neuron to fire. After the action potential is created, and the neuron fires, there is a short refractory period where the neuron cannot be fired again due to stimuli, when positive ions are pumped back out of the neuron, negative ions are brought into the neuron, and then the ion channels close, leaving the neuron in a polarized state, and returning it to a resting potential.

What interactions between electrical and chemical gradients does not lead to the establishment of a neuron's resting potential?

Electrical forces push sodiun ions out of the cell

What do resting and action potentials depend on?

The resting and action potentials depend on the balance of charges of the area outside the neuron and inside the neuron. A resting potential is when the neuron is more negatively (approximately -70mv) charged than the area outside the neuron. The action potential occurs when sodium ions rush into the neuron, causing the polarity to be reversed. When there is no difference in charge between the area inside the neuron and the area outside the neuron, no action potentials can be started by that neuron.

How electrical signal exist related with membrane potential and and action potential?

Resting potential and action potential are both names for the measure of electrical voltage within the membrane of a cell. Specifically, these terms are used in describing the transfer of information along neural pathways. Resting potential is a state where cells are at rest. However, if an electrical response or depolarization reaches threshold, then ion channels open, allowing sodium ions to rush into the membrane and increase the voltage measure, firing an action potential along the length of this membrane.

The resting membrane potential of a neuron is about?
