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Q: What is the status zero flag when the result of an arithmetic operation is zero?
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When will be the carry flag set?

if the result of an arithmetic operation, consists a carry then the carry flag is set

What is the difference between conditional and control flags in 8086 microprocessor?

Control Flag Register: The Control Flag Register (CFR), also known as the Program Status Word (PSW), is a register used to control the execution flow and behavior of the processor. It typically stores various control flags that govern different aspects of the CPU's operation. Some common flags found in the Control Flag Register include: Carry Flag (CF): Used to indicate whether an arithmetic operation generated a carry or borrow. Zero Flag (ZF): Indicates whether the result of an operation is zero. Sign Flag (SF): Indicates the sign (positive or negative) of the result. Overflow Flag (OF): Indicates whether an arithmetic operation resulted in an overflow. Interrupt Flag (IF): Determines whether interrupts are enabled or disabled. The Control Flag Register provides control over program execution, including branching, interrupt handling, and arithmetic operations. It helps determine the outcome of operations and can be used for conditional branching based on specific flag states. Conditional Flag Register: The Conditional Flag Register (CFR), also known as the Condition Code Register (CCR) or Status Register (SR), contains flags that reflect the result of the most recent arithmetic or logical operation performed by the processor. These flags are used to perform conditional branching and control the flow of instructions based on specific conditions. The flags present in the Conditional Flag Register can vary depending on the processor architecture, but some common flags include: Zero Flag (ZF): Indicates whether the result of an operation is zero. Sign Flag (SF): Indicates the sign (positive or negative) of the result. Overflow Flag (OF): Indicates whether an arithmetic operation resulted in an overflow. Carry Flag (CF): Used to indicate whether an arithmetic operation generated a carry or borrow. Auxiliary Carry Flag (AF): Indicates a carry or borrow from the lower-order nibble (4 bits) to the higher-order nibble. The Conditional Flag Register is primarily used for conditional jumps or branches, allowing the processor to alter the program flow based on the current flag states. To summarize, the Control Flag Register focuses on controlling the processor's behavior and handling interrupts, while the Conditional Flag Register reflects the outcome of arithmetic and logical operations and enables conditional branching based on flag states.

What are the uses of Auxiliary Carry flag?

The Auxiliary Carry flag of the Intel 8085 is used to store the carry/borrow from the least significant 4 bits of an 8 bit arithmetic operation. This bit (and the Carry flag from the most significant 4 bits) is needed by the Decimal Adjust Accumulator instruction to convert the result of the 8 bit arithmetic operation to correct 2 digit Binary Coded Decimal format.

What is meant by flag is set or not set in 8085 processor?

The flags are testable conditions that are set after many arithmetic or logical instructions to indicate something about the result of the result. For instance, the Z flag means the result is zero, the N flag means it is negative, the O flag means a signed overflow occurred, the C flag means an unsigned overflow occurred, and the P flag means an even number of bits is set in the result. You can use the various flag testable jump instructions, such as JZ or JNZ to test the flag after performing an operation that sets or resets the flag.

Condition flags available in 8086?

Conditional FlagsConditional flags represent result of last arithmetic or logical instruction executed. Conditional flags are as follows:1. CF (Carry Flag)This flag indicates an overflow condition for unsigned integer arithmetic. It is also used in multiple-precision arithmetic.2. AF (Auxiliary Flag)If an operation performed in ALU generates a carry/barrow from lower nibble (i.e. D0 - D3) to upper nibble (i.e. D4 - D7), the AF flag is set i.e. carry given by D3 bit to D4 is AF flag. This is not a general-purpose flag; it is used internally by the processor to perform Binary to BCD conversion.3. PF (Parity Flag)This flag is used to indicate the parity of result. If lower order 8-bits of the result contains even number of 1's, the Parity Flag is set and for odd number of 1's, the Parity Flag is reset.4. ZF (Zero Flag)It is set; if the result of arithmetic or logical operation is zero else it is reset.5. SF (Sign Flag)6. SF (Sign Flag)In sign magnitude format the sign of number is indicated by MSB bit. If the result of operation is negative, sign flag is set.7. OF (Overflow Flag)This stands for over flow flag. It occurs when signed numbers are added or subtracted. An OF indicates that the result has exceeded the capacity of machine. It becomes set if the sign result cannot express within the number of bites.Read More:

The carry flag bit is not modified by which arithmetic operation in 8086?

increment and decrement operations ie INC and DEC

What is function of status register?

The status register in a computer system is used to store information about the condition or state of certain aspects of the processor, such as arithmetic operations, overflow, and carry flags. It helps in determining the outcome of operations and controlling the flow of program execution based on the results of these operations.

Show the bit positions of various flags in 8085 flag register?

The 8085 microprocessor has 5 flags: 1. Zero flag: The zero flag is set, when the ALU operation results a zero . 2. Carry flag: If an arithmetic operations results in a carry, this flag is set. 3. Parity flag: This flag is set, when an arithmetic or logical operation results in a data, which has even number of 1s. If otherwise, it is reset. 4. Sign flag: After the execution of an arithmetic or logic operations, if D7 bit of the accumulator is 1, it indicates a negative number and this flag is set. If otherwise, it is reset. 5. Auxiliary Carry flag: used for BCD Operations, During the BCD operations, if D3 bit producing the carry then the AC bit set as1, otherwise the bit is 0. 6. Carry Flag: when a carry is generated by digit D7, then the carry flag set as 1, otherwise the bit will be 0.

Explain different types of flags in 8085 microprocessor?

Flags are microprocessor dependent. ie flags are different for different microprocessors. Flag represents the status ( & Type) of the operation performed. Ex: In terms of 8085 we have 5 flags : Zero, Carry, Ac Carry, Parity, Sign Flag register is of 8 bits in this case. These flags can also be used for logic implementation.

Function of flag register?

The main function of flag register is show the status of result stored in accumulator after execution of an instruction. Amar oli Dang,Nepal

When a flag in the Condition code register is said to be set its logic state is?

It is in the logic 1 state. This is usually automatically determined based on the result of the last operation. For example, if the result of a subtraction produces a result of zero, the Z-flag will be set (z=1). If the result was a non-zero value, the Z-flag will be cleared (z=0).

What is the use of AC Flag in 8085?

The Auxiliary Carry (AC) flag in the 8085 indicates a carry out of the low order 4 bits of an operation, more specifically that the low order 4 bits are greater than 9 (10012). The AC flag can thus be used to facilitate decimal arithmetic.