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Question is unclear. Are you asking how long the record of your conviction will remain on file? If so, unless you committed the offense prior to your 18th birthday, a conviction is a permanent record in your adult criminal history record.

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Q: What is the statute of limitations for felony drug conviction in Cook County IL?
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In Kansas, there is a statute of limitations for a felony with drug conviction. The statute of limitations have a grid that divides crimes by severity level and categorizes defendants by their prior criminal records.

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No. A warrant lasts until canceled by the judge or you are arrested.

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Yes, there is a statute of limitations for theft in North Carolina. If it is a felony or a malicious misdemeanor, there is no limitation. If it is another type of misdemeanor, it would be two years.

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There is NO statute of limitations on felony offenses in North Carolina.

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