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Q: What is the stigma style and ovary called together?
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What are the three parts of the pistil of a flower?

The stigma, the style, and the ovaryThe stigma, style, and ovary.

What are the parts of the carpel?

stigma,style and ovary are the three parts of the carpel.

What is the femal part of a flower called?

The female parts of a flower are called style, ovary, ovule and stigma. All of these parts together are called the pistil.

What connects the stigma and ovary?

The fallopian tubes connect the ovaries to the uterus.

What do a pistil consist of?

A pistil is made up of 3 parts. The top is called a stigma, the middle part is called a style-the stalk of the pistil of a flower and the bottom part is called overy.

What three parts make up the pistil?

The stigma, the style, and the ovary. Hope that helped

What is the female organ which contains the stigma and style and ovary?

The stigma, style and ovary make up the carpel.

What is the meaning of style ovary and stigma of gumamela?

The style, ovary, and stigma are all parts of the pistil in a plant. The stigma grabs onto the pollen, the style leads between the two, and the ovary is where the embryo grows into a seed.

What is the name of the entire female structure of the flower?

The female part of a flower is called a Pistil, or Carpel, which consists of the Stigma, Style, and Ovary.

What is the female part of a angiosperm called?

It's called the pistil which is made up of the style, stigma, and ovary.

The female reproductive structures of a plant are called what?

Carpels, consisting of ovary, stigma and style

What are the female reproductive structures of plants called?

Carpels, consisting of ovary, stigma and style