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Q: What is the structure in a sea urchin known as Aristotle's Lantern?
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How does the sea urchin get its food in its mouth?

Sea urchins have a mouth located in the middle of the body, on the bottom. They move over their food (generally algae), and injest it with a small beak like appendage made up of five hard teeth and a soft tongue. This structure is known as Aristotle's lantern.

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Nothing is known about Aristotle's childhood.

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Ambulacrum is a feature of a starfish. Every bands with its structure is called Ambulacrum.

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Who is green lantern of sector 1151?

There are no known Lanterns on that sector.

What quilled insectivore is also known as an urchin and is sometimes kept as a pet?

Porcupine Hedgehog .

Who invented the lantern?

It is actually well known that the lantern's inventor is untraceable do to the fact of wide lantern usage throughout the world and throughout history. The Chinese used to catch fireflies to put in a lantern temporarily. It is because of the many versions, wide usage history, and diversity that give the lantern an untraceable inventor.

What type of music does DJ Green Lantern play?

Dj Green Lantern is also known as James D'Agostino and he is also a hip hop music producer. Dj Green Lantern plays both hip hop and R&B. He is also known as The Evil Genius.

Who is more famous Green Lantern or Yogi Bear?

Green Lanternhas more Google results.ANSWER:While Green Lantern is well known to comic book fans, Yogi Bear is known by children all the way through to senior citizens. He is much more famous than Green Lantern overall.

What happened to Jack of Jack-o-lantern fame?

The term Jack-O-Lantern is not a person nor was a person. The term Jack-O-Lantern was originally used to describe the unusual phenomenon ignis fatuus or "foolish fire" known as a will-o'-the-wisp in English folklore. This was used especially in East England, its earliest known use dates is circa 1660s. The term "will-o'-the-wisp" uses "wisp" which is a bundle of sticks or paper used as a flame torch and the proper name "Will", therefore, "Will-of-the-torch." However, the term Jack-O-Lantern is of the same type of construction. The "Jack of the lantern (Jack-O-Lantern) means to Jack (old English meaning to make or carve) the lantern - Jack-O-Lantern.

What happen to Jack of jack-o-lantern fame?

The term Jack-O-Lantern is not a person nor was a person. The term Jack-O-Lantern was originally used to describe the unusual phenomenon ignis fatuus or "foolish fire" known as a will-o'-the-wisp in English folklore. This was used especially in East England, its earliest known use dates is circa 1660s. The term "will-o'-the-wisp" uses "wisp" which is a bundle of sticks or paper used as a flame torch and the proper name "Will", therefore, "Will-of-the-torch." However, the term Jack-O-Lantern is of the same type of construction. The "Jack of the lantern (Jack-O-Lantern) means to Jack (old English meaning to make or carve) the lantern - Jack-O-Lantern.