

What is the structure of xml?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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11y ago

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xml is a markup language with a fairly simple structure.

you use <xml> to strat an xml file and use </xml> to denote the end of the fiel.

Within the file, you can use any tags you like, you can have attributes, elements and child elements.

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xml is not a semantic language, there are no set tags to use as you make up your own tags, the only basic structure is you have beginning and end tags, for example begining tag for an xml file would be &lt;xml&gt; and the end tag would be &lt;/xml&gt;.

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C parsing xml and deposit structure?

You can go with XLinq, XmlReader, XPathNavigator or even regular expressiont To parse C in xml. New methods also include using a code gen or parsing tool.

Source code of xml?

there is no source code, xml is not a programming language, its a markup language for which you create your own tags, the basic xml syntax is &lt;xml&gt; to start an xml file, and &lt;/xml&gt; to end the xml file.

How do you create a XML file from Scratch?

it is the same way to create xml file by converting into txt you have to use the correct xml syntax ie &lt;xml&gt; this is to denote strat of xml file and this &lt;/xml&gt; denotes end of xml file. You have to use the right xml code or your xml file wont be valid or well formed.

How do you fix xml?

If you open the xml in most web browser it will state an error code denoting the type of malformation of the xml. you can use an xml tool like an xml editor to validate and correct your xml.