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Q: What is the study of coral reefs called?
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What do you call a person who studies coral?

The person that studies coral reefs is called a coral reef biologist. This type of scientist spends time underwater to study the status of coral reefs and also looks into the effects of other factors to the preservation of coral reefs.

Where does the name coral reef come from?

The reason they are called Coral Reef is because there are lots of coral in those locations, and they are also called coral reefs or reefs of coral reefs of coral too.

Why is the coral sea called the coral sea?

There are lots of coral reefs in it.

What is a coral reefs skeloton called?

An endoskeleton.

Do coral reefs live alone?

some coral reefs do live alone, but some live in groups called colonies.

What structures do coral colonies produce?

Coral Reefs

Are dolphins in the coral reefs?

no dolphins are not in coral reefs.

What are a group of fish called in the coral reef?

a group of fish in the coral reefs is called a school of fish

What coral reef is in California?

There are no coral reefs IN California

What is the nickname of coral reefs in finding nemo?

They were called anemones.

Are coral reefs can be gas for ships?

are coral reefs can be gas of ships?

What is deterioration of coral reefs?

Coral reefs are being killed by pollutants.