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Q: What is the study of environmental changes called?
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What is the study of environments called?


What is The study of living things and their environmental is called?

It is ecology.

Is the study of properties of matter and how matter changes?

The study of properties of matter and how it changes is called chemistry.

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The study of heat is called thermodynamics.

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What is an environmental study?

environmental study is when you have to do something which involves studding the environment.

What is the relationship between Environmental Management and Environmental Science?

Environmental management is how we manage the the behavior of environmental changes . Environmental science is the study of living organism and other things related to environment . They both are part of Environment education.

What is the study of matter and the properties of matter?

The study of properties of matter and how it changes is called chemistry.

What is moral ecology?

Ecology is the study of environmental system or as it is sometimes called the economy of nature

Is the study of matter and how it changes is called physical?

This is chemistry.

What is the study if environmental?

The study of environmental is the study of humans and animal life in the world. This study is to see how humans and animals life in the environment.