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Q: What is the study of phobias called?
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Related questions

How do you get hippopotomonstosesquippedaliophobia?

Phobias are a subject of much study. It is not yet known how or why people get them.

Where can you find a list of phobias?

You can find a list of phobias on websites dedicated to mental health and psychology, in books about anxiety disorders, or on websites of organizations such as the American Psychiatric Association. There are also specialized resources like the DSM-5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) that list and categorize phobias.

What is the phobias of clowns?

The phobia of clowns is called Coulrophobia.

What are Irrational fears called?

Extreme fears are called phobias. Irrational fears are called irrational fears.

Is there a fear of everything?

Yes, there is even a fear of a duck watching you. But these are called phobias

What is the fear of bunnies called?

Leporiphobia.Almost all phobias can be overcome by desensitization therapy. You can do this.

What is the phobia of phobias?

The phobia of phobias is Phobophobia.

What is the phobia called in which one loves having ice?

Phobias are unrealistic fears, actually.

Are phobias considered science?

Phobias are an aspect of psychology, which is considered a science. So yes, phobias are a science of sorts

Freud said phobias were as Watson said phobias were?

Freud said phobias were repressed conflicts, were as Watson said that phobias were learned

What phobias can you get?

Honestly, you can have a phobia of anything! There is even a fear of phobias!

Why do you have phobias?

phobias are just natural things we have and noone can stop that