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The study of sexual human behavior is called sexology. It encompasses a wide range of topics, such as sexual orientation, sexual health, reproductive anatomy, sexual psychology, and sexual attitudes and behaviors. Sexology aims to understand and improve human sexual experiences and relationships.

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Q: What is the study of sexual human behavior?
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Who published a study on human sexual behavior during the postwar years?

Alfred Kinsey, an American biologist and sexologist, published a groundbreaking study in 1948 titled "Sexual Behavior in the Human Male," followed by "Sexual Behavior in the Human Female" in 1953. His research provided pioneering insights into human sexuality during the postwar period.

What research team was influential in their study of human sexual behavior and response?

Masters and Johnson were a research team influential in their study of human sexual behavior and response. Their groundbreaking work in the 1960s and 1970s led to a better understanding of the physiology and psychology of sexual response in humans.

The study human behavior is not unique to ethics to what extent do you agree?

I agree that the study of human behavior is not unique to ethics. Other fields such as psychology, sociology, anthropology, and biology also study human behavior from different perspectives. While ethics may focus on the moral implications of behavior, these other disciplines provide additional insights into the complexity of human behavior.

Who believes that human behavior is strongly influenced by unconscious sexual and?

Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychoanalysis, believed that human behavior is strongly influenced by unconscious sexual and aggressive drives. He proposed that these unconscious forces motivate much of human behavior.

What is the study of human behavior?

Psychology studies human behavior, particularly focusing on individual behavior. If you are referring to human behavior as it relates to societal behaviors, the answer would be sociology.Psychology.The New Oxford Dictionary defines this as: The scientific study of the human mind and its functions, especially those affecting behavior in a given context.

Related questions

Who published a study on human sexual behavior during the postwar years?

Alfred Kinsey, an American biologist and sexologist, published a groundbreaking study in 1948 titled "Sexual Behavior in the Human Male," followed by "Sexual Behavior in the Human Female" in 1953. His research provided pioneering insights into human sexuality during the postwar period.

What research team was influential in their study of human sexual behavior and response?

Masters and Johnson were a research team influential in their study of human sexual behavior and response. Their groundbreaking work in the 1960s and 1970s led to a better understanding of the physiology and psychology of sexual response in humans.

What was the importance of Dr.. Kinsey's report?

Dr. Kinsey's report, titled "Sexual Behavior in the Human Male" and "Sexual Behavior in the Human Female," was groundbreaking as it provided a comprehensive and scientific study of human sexuality. It helped challenge misconceptions and stigma surrounding sex, promoted dialogue about sexual behavior, and paved the way for further research and discussions on human sexuality.

What is organisational behavior as a field of study?

The organizational behavior is the study of human behavior in organizational settings. It is the interface between the human behavior and the organization.

The study human behavior is not unique to ethics to what extent do you agree?

I agree that the study of human behavior is not unique to ethics. Other fields such as psychology, sociology, anthropology, and biology also study human behavior from different perspectives. While ethics may focus on the moral implications of behavior, these other disciplines provide additional insights into the complexity of human behavior.

Who study's human behavior?


Why should journalists study human behavior?

Journalists study human behavior to predict the outcomes. They would then know what the person is going to do.

Who believes that human behavior is strongly influenced by unconscious sexual and?

Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychoanalysis, believed that human behavior is strongly influenced by unconscious sexual and aggressive drives. He proposed that these unconscious forces motivate much of human behavior.

What is the corresponding degree to study human behavior?

Psychology is the the corresponding degree to study human behaviour.

Study Accountancy from Scratch What do you Study?

A psychologist studies human behavior and the human body excerise.

What are the study of human mind and behavior?


Is facebook an accurate way to study human behavior?

It could be in a narrow sense, but it is a good way to study social behavior aspects of human nature.