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Q: What is the study of the different body parts and organs of humans with regard to similarities and differences of other animals in the animal kingdom?
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What do you mean by classification what are different types of classification what are method of classification?

The classification of organisms is a system of arranging the organisms into groups or sets on the basis of similarities and differences. The two types of classification are:- (i) plant kingdom (ii) animal kingdom

Comparing two animals from different kingdom?

All animals belong to the Kingdom Animal so you can't compare animals from different kingdoms.

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Similarities: they all belong to the kingdom Fungi and phylum chlorophyta Differences:they have different shapes. Chlamydomonas have eyespot

What animals are in the same kingdom as a cockatiel?

There are different classifications systems for life, but all those that use the term Kingdom, have all animals in one Kingdom. Therefore, all animals are in the same Kingdom as cockatiels.

What is the habitat for the animals in the animal kingdom?

well in the animal kingdom there is a lot of different species and classes so the species and classes in the kingdom have different enviroments:)

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Pakistani people eat spicier foods. British food is similar to American food. Pakistan is in Asia and Great Britain is in the United Kingdom (Europe). They have totally different flags (check on Google images).

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In Haiti it was a Slave Revolt while the American Revolution was a political revolt against the government of the United Kingdom.

What are the different types of criteria used to classify animals into groups?

The different criteria for classifying animals are as follows: Kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species.

How are members of the animal kingdom different from members of fungi kingdom?

animals are mobile and don't have cell walls

What is the difference between the three domain system and the five kingdom system?

The three-domain system classifies organisms into three categories based on molecular evidence: Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya. The five-kingdom system categorizes organisms into five groups: Monera (bacteria), Protista, Fungi, Plantae, and Animalia, based on cell type and structure, nutritional mode, and reproduction methods. The three-domain system is more recent and reflects a greater understanding of evolutionary relationships among organisms.

Can different animals have the same genus but be in different classes?

No, animals in the same genus belong to the same class. The genus is a taxonomic rank above the species level but below the family level. Animals in the same genus share more similarities than animals in different genera.

What characteristics do humans share with animals?

Animals and humans are both in the animal kingdom. Characteristics that animals and humans share are emotions, thoughts, and physical similarities. For example, a humans and animals are social beings who form bonds with family, friends, and neighbors.