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Q: What is the subordinating conjunction Where there is smoke there is fire.?
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Is until a conjunction?

No, "until" is a preposition or subordinating conjunction, used to indicate when something is expected to happen or the point in time up to which an action or state is expected to last. It can also be used as a conjunction in some contexts.

What kind of conjunction is because?

A subordinating conjunction.

Is a coordinate conjunction a type of subordinating conjunction?

no, it is not.

What type of conjunction is whenever?

"Whenever" is a subordinating conjunction, linking a dependent clause to an independent clause in a complex sentence.

Can because be an adverb?

No, because is a subordinating conjunction.

What is a 4 letter conjunction that has to do with time?

The conjunction when is a subordinating conjunction, a subordinating conjunction joins a subordinate (dependent) clause to a main (independent) clause. For example:Jane went running when it was raining.

Identify the subordinating conjunction before I leave on the sixth we need to pay the bills-?

The subordinating conjunction in the sentence is "before".

Is if a conjunction or not?

Yes, it is a subordinating conjunction. It connects a restrictive clause.

What is as if?

"As if" is a two word subordinating conjunction.

Is for a subordinating conjunction?

It can be. Ordinarily, for is a coordinatingconjunction, used to connect independent clauses. But where it can be used to mean "because" (e.g. for this reason) it will be a subordinating conjunction.

Is where a conjunction?

It can be a conjunction, as well as an adverb. As a subordinating conjunction, it connects restrictive dependent clauses.

Is if a conjunction?

No, "if" is a subordinating conjunction used to introduce a conditional clause in a sentence. It is used to express a condition or a hypothetical situation.