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In biological systems an enzyme speeds up the reaction without changing it.

In other chemical reactions this function is achieved by a catalyst.

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Q: What is the substance that changes the rate of chemical reactions without being changed called?
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Chemical changes occur when a substance combines with another to form a new substance, called chemical synthesis or, alternatively, chemical decomposition into two or more different substances. These processes are called chemical reactions and, in general, are not reversible except by further chemical reactions.

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Reactants form product(s) during a chemical reactions, generally by oxidation, reduction, hydrolysis, or chemical bonding.

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Reactants form product(s) during a chemical reactions, generally by oxidation, reduction, hydrolysis, or chemical bonding.

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No they cannot. Chemical changes never ever go back.

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After a chemical reaction new compouds (called also products) are formed.

Is seeds to pumpkin physical or chemical change?

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yes chemical properties do change a substance physical properties just change the physical shape or look!!!

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some chemical changes can be reversed but they are hard to reverse usually

When a substance changes into a diffrent substance what change has occurred?

chemical change