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Q: What is the substance that makes the cartilage at the end of the bones slippery?
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Do earthworms have bones?

No, but they have cartilage. That's what makes the Earthworm move!

What is lubrcant?

A lubricant is a substance, such as oil or grease, that makes things slippery.

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What kind of tissue is in cartilage?

Cartilage is a specialized, fibrous connective tissue that has the consistency of a firm plastic or gristle-like gel, bone is a highly specialized connective tissue whose matrix is hard and calcified.Bone is distinguished from cartilage by the presence of inorganic calcium salts in its ground substance, which makes the ground substance rigid.Bone is also what marrow is made of, except for sharks and a few other animals which are made entirely out of squishy cartilage. Although, bone and cartilage are both specialized connective tissues.The difference between cartilage and bone is that cartilage is a flimsy, calcium based substance, it makes up your earlobe and your nose. The only difference between catilage and bone is that bone has marrow, while cartilage has no marrow.Bones are the hard things in your body that give it structure and allow you to move. Cartilage is the stuff between the bones that allows them to move easily and comfortably without the bones rubbing together and causing pain. is distinguished from cartilage by the presence of inorganic calcium salts in its ground substance, which makes the ground substance rigid. Bone is also what marrow is made of, except for sharks and a few other animals which are made entirely out of squishy cartilage. Although, bone and cartilage are both specialized connective tissues. Hope this helps1 the soft bones of the body are called cartilaes . bones form the strong part of skeleton. 2 the cells of cartilages are called chondrocytes. whereas the cells of bones are called osteocytes, 3 the examples of cartilages are , ear and nose. whereas "bones" are found all over the body. 4 cartilages are found in the joint region where two bones move over each other.Bone is the very base of the skeleton and is normally hard and durable. Cartilage is a spongy substance that cushions between the joints of bones.

What are the ends of bones covered with and why?

The end of bones are covered with a smooth, slippery, thick layer of tissue called CARTILAGE.WHY?Because it is flexible and important in joints because it acts as a shock absorber.It also makes movement easier. HOW? (how does it make movement easier?)By reducing friction that would be caused by bones rubbing together.Also a special tissue called Periosteum

How do you xxplain the importance of cartilage?

The ends of the bones are covered with a tough elastic tissue called cartilage. cartilage makes the ends of the bones smooth and reduces friction between the bones during movement cartilage is also present in various other parts of our body . you could feel cartilage in the upper part of your ear and in the front part of your nose . these parts are not as hard as bones and can bend

Does cartilage have a flexible bone?

Cartilage does not contain bones nor is bone. Cartilage is soft to moderately hard tissue that makes your ear lobes, tips of your nose, joints between bones, and more more objects in your body.

What bone in your ear makes it bendable?

The external ear itself has no bones, only cartilage.

What is the flexible connective tissue at joints?

This connective tissue are called ligaments. Ligaments connect bones to bones while tendons connect muscles to bones. They are exactly the same tissue but terminology makes the names different.

How many bones do goldfish have?

i don't really think that they have bones its more like cartilage, the stuff that makes up your nose i believe

What organ makes up the skeletal system?

1) bones 2) cartilage 3) tendons 4) ligaments