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Q: What is the suffix for hemoptysis?
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How do you get hemoptysis?

from squirrels

What is the difference between hematemesis and hemoptysis?

hematemesis : blood in vomitting or feces hemoptysis : blood in sputum

What is recurrent hemoptysis?

Hemoptysis is coughing up blood, and recurrent means that it happens repeatedly. So a person with recurrent hemoptysis has had more than one episode where they are coughing up blood.

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How serious is massive hemoptysis?

Massive hemoptysis is a life-threatening emergency that requires treatment in an intensive care unit.

What is the mortality rate for massive hemoptysis?

The prognosis depends on the underlying cause. In cases of massive hemoptysis, the mortality rate is about 15%.

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What is massive hemoptysis?

Massive hemoptysis is defined as 200-600 mL of blood coughed up within a period of 24 hours or less.

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What are the most important tools for diagnosing hemoptysis?

Chest x rays and bronchoscopy are the most important studies for evaluating hemoptysis. They are used to evaluate the cause, location, and extent of the bleeding.