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This war started as a quarrel as which goddess was the most beautiful. The goddesses were Hera, Aphrodite and Athena. One day, a golden apple saying, To The Most Beautiful Goddess, arrived at Olympus where the gods and goddesses lived. None of the male gods wanted to judge which goddess was more beautiful than the other so Zeus, the king of Olympus, looked down to the mortal world and picked a random shepherd called Paris to judge instead. Paris found it very hard to judge who was more beautiful as the goddesses were all very beautiful. The goddesses offered Paris gifts if he would choose them. Hera offered power and ruling of Asia, Aphrodite a true love, and Athena, wisdom in all battles. Paris chose Aphrodite. Basically, a gorgeous princess in Greece called Helen fell in love with Paris but her husband, Menelaus was outraged. The 2 couple escaped to Troy, Paris' town but by then, Menelaus had declared war on Troy. The war lasted for many years as the walls of the city was strong and Menelaus would not give up on Helen. This is where the Trojan Horse comes in the story. A clever soldier fighting for Greece, Odysseus thought of an idea guided by Athena. Odysseus made a large, empty wooden horse enough to hold many men. The Greeks pretended to surrender and left Troy that night. However, they left the large horse in Troy. When the Trojans came out to look at the horse, Sinon, a Greek soldier came to the Trojans and begged for mercy. He told them that the Greeks had left him behind, which they hadn't of course and said this. The Greeks has given up on Helen and now returned to their country but made a wooden horse for Athena. The Greeks knew that the Trojans would give the horse to Athena themselves to get Athena's blessing. So they did. At night, the soldiers in the horse crept out and attacked the city. The Trojans lost in the end.

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