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Q: What is the superlative degree form of small?
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What is superlative degree?

denoting the form of the adjective or adverb that expresses the highest degree of quality. For example, 'smallest and best' would be the superlative form of 'small and good'

What is the superlative degree of population?

denoting the form of the adjective or adverb that expresses the highest degree of quality. For example, 'smallest and best' would be the superlative form of 'small and good'

What is a superlative degree form?

Adjectives can be classified by degree. If the positive form is bright, the comparative form is brighter and the superlative form is brightest.

What is the superlative degree of in?

In is not an adjective, so it doesn't have a superlative form

What is the superlative degree of get?

Get is not an adjective so it doesn't have a superlative form

What is comparative and superlative degree of young?

Younger is the comparative form. Youngest is the superlative form.

What is the superlative form of the word oily?

The superlative form of an adjective indicates the highest degree of the quality that the adjective describes. The superlative form of oily is oiliest.

What is the comparative and superlative form of excellent?

The comparative degree of excellent is more excellent, and the superlative degree of excellent is most excellent.

What its the superlative form of small?

smallest is the superlative. (est is the standard superlative ending._

What is superlative and comparative degree of better?

there is no such thing as the superlative and comparative degree of better because better is the comparative form for well or good and the superlative for good or well is best

What is the superlative for the word grant?

The superlative form of the word "grant" is "most granting."

What is the comparative and superlative degree for far?

The comparative form is farther or further. The superlative is the farthest or thefurthest.