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Q: What is the superlative form happy?
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What is the superlative form of happy?

The superlative form of happy is happiest.

What is the comparative and superlative form of the word happy?

happier, happiest

What is possessive form of happy?

The word 'happy' is an adjective. Adjectives do not have a possessive form. Adjectives have comparative forms: positive: happy comparative: happier superlative: happiest

Is happiest an abstract noun?

No, the word 'happiest' is an adjective, the superlative form for the adjective happy (happier, happiest). The noun form for the adjective happy is happiness.

What is y ending in superlative form?

Change the y to an i and add -est. happy, happiest

Is happiest a verb?

No, the word 'happiest' is an adjective. Specifically, 'happiest' is in the superlative form of the adjective 'happy'.

In the sentence the boy is happy is happy an adjective?

The word "happy" is an adjective, and "very" is an adverb that modifies happy.

What is the superlative form of movingly?

The superlative form of "movingly" is "most movingly."

How does the er change the meaning of root in happier?

The "er" changes the meaning of happy to "more happy". "Mike is happier" means the same as "Mike is more happy". Happy is the root word, meaning joyous, and happier is the comparative form of happy, like happiest is the superlative form.

What is superlative form of cleane?

The superlative form of clean is "cleanest".

What is the superlative form of clean?

The superlative form of clean is "cleanest".

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The superlative form of ancient is ancientosity