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Q: What is the swollen plant stem which starch is stored?
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What happen to the sugar produce in the leaf?

some of the sugar is consumed by the plant while the remaining sugar is left at the stem to be stored as starch

What part of the flower where food is stored as starch?

Starch is stored in the stem and tap roots of flowers.

Is starch stored in leaves of some plants?

after the plant photosynthesises, it has some left over glucose that the leaves covert into starch. The starch is then stored in the chlorophyl (the green pigment in the leaves). At night or in the dark, the plant can't photosynthesise so it respires the stored starch instead

Where is the sun is stored during photosynthesis?

in the stem of the plant

Is sago a grain?

NOpe... it's a starch - which is extracted from the stem of the palm plant.

Excess glucose in most complex plants is stored as?

They store glucose by converting them into cellulose which is also used to maintain the plants cells walls. Starch is stored in a plants stem, its roots and leaves. Plants store glucose as they are the main source of energy. The converted glucose either it's in the form of starch or cellulose can be used by some animals as it can be easily digested.

Potato is a stem or root?

Potatoes are considered stems and not roots, because they are the part of the stem of the plant that grows underground, it's the part of the stem that thickens and accumulate starch.

Is sugar stored in the root of onion plant?

in potatoes right below the skin and in onions it is stored in the leaves of them

What is the purpose of a potato?

It is a good food and they are neat. In a potato plant; the potato is serves as a tuber. This is a specialized underground stem which allows the plant to store nutrients in the form of starch. After cold periods or dry months the plant uses this starch to regrow. food.

What is the tuber family?

The tuber family is actually a part of the plant family. The characteristics of the tuber family is that they were grown underground & it has swollen underground stem. Potatoes, yam & sweet potatoes etc. are from the tuber family because they were grown underground & it has swollen underground stem.

What is the function of rhizomes?

The rhizome is a creeping underground stem of some plants. A rhizome is thick and swollen and acts as a food store. Iris is an example of a rhizomatous plant.

Is celery a fruit or vegetable?

Celery is a vegetable. It is just the swollen petiole (part of the leaf) of the plant.